
Should we play Christmas Carols in all the classes at Rutherford?

I think we should play Christmas Carols because its apart of the Christmas spirit and even if you don’t like Christmas then oh well too bad so sad.

At the last week of school we should do a secret Santa because it would be good for people to get to know other people and what they like. If we do a secret Santa we should do the whole school not just the class because if we do just our class some people already know what a most everyone in there class likes.

I think the school should buy a real Christmas tree and place it in the middle f the school yard by room 10 and the office and then all the classes can decorate the tree and we can walk past it almost everyday.

Each class should do a shared kai but instead of bringing normal food we should bring Christmas themed food.

I think on the last day or the second to last day of school we should have a mufti day (Non-school uniform day) but use Christmas colours such as red white and green. It wont be free you would have to bring either a gold coin donation or you could bring some sort of long lasting Christmas item.

In assembly at the start we should play Christmas Carols or some sort of Christmas songs but pause it when we do the national anthem but it’s not going to be super loud it will just be quite like background noise.

Making movies

My movie is about a man getting signed for the All Blacks.

Learning Intention

Work through the process of ideating, visual story and creating a storyboard with a plan for shooting, shooting the film, editing.

Success Criteria

Create a 3 minute film with effective images that tell the story.

My School Holidays


On the first day of the school holidays (Satruday) I went white baiting out at Kai Iwi beach with my uncle. On Sunday before we went out to south beach my uncle brought me a white baiting net and then we headed out to the Whangaehu River via South Beach. On Monaday to Friday the only thing I done was watch YouTube and watch movies but then on the weekend I had to do garden work outside.


On the second Week of the school holidays my nan went up to Waiouru to pick up my nieces and I had to look after them and we were playing outside almost all day. On Thursday my mum, younger brother, nieces and I went back up to Waiouru to drop my nieces off. My older brother told me and my younger that he was fed up with his dog coco running away so before my mum, younger brother, nieces and I got there he pulled coc out f the kennel and wacked it once on the head with the hammer and three more times to make sure he was dead.

My Week This Week

Kia Ora  my name is Jeremiah and I can’t seem to remember what I done on Tuesday, but on Monday in the 3rd block I had mathex practice which went from 2:30 to 2:55.I like doing mathex practice because we get time out of class and putting our brains to work. On Mondays in the 3rd block we have a puberty talk which I don’t like because it just makes me feel uncomfortable.

Today in the first block we had to do maths, which some of us were answering our PAT test answers that we got wrong but then the others were doing the fractions work. At lunch we had this Macaroni and cheese with some sort of beef soup which in my opinion didn’t taste the best. After we had finished eating Mrs Raina took Roman, Cyrus and I to set up the volleyball nets and we were allowed to play with the room 5 team because they only had 4 players and you need at least 6 players. During Lunch there was another game of volleyball against 15 students and 4 teaches and then teachers ended up winning the first game I think 40-15 and the second game 25-7 I’m not quiet sure.

What Have I Learnt Today

What have I learnt in class today

Today in maths the whole class had to roll a six sided die 120 times and some how Enosa rolled 5 60 times. After maths we had brain break which is when we do three laps around the field which I hated, then we had to do code which is just handwriting and I was being the quietest. After code is morning tea and I just done passes with the rugby ball, once morning tea had finished we ate butter chicken and then we had reading which Annika put glue all up my arm then she had to wash it off. Then we had Taha Tinana and we played 4 rounds of benchball and my team won 3 of them. Once Taha Tinana was finished we had lunch and I just played rugby passes. Then it is the last block and we could playing Volleyball.