C Major Scale Left and Right hand
This is me playing the C Major Scale on the Left and Right hand.
Speak to Text
The yellow is the words that the text to speak got wrong.
My week
My Week
This week there was a lot of stuff that went on, such as Joel saying that if I didn’t have my togs I was going to wear speedos. If that was true I was going to be embarrassed and upset at Joel, lucky it wasn’t. On wednesday there was swimming and yet again I forgot my togs so I didn’t have to go swimming which I was happy about because I got to do more school work.
Every wednesday on the third block we have Kapa haka. But this Wednesday was different because our singer Alijah wasn’t here so he couldn’t lead the song we were learning so the head culture of art she had to lead it. She was good at leading it but there were two bad things about it, she was a bit quiet and didn’t get most of the leading parts correct.
During kapa haka the boys and girls had to sing the song at different times. When it came to the boys singing I was the one carrying the boys because I am always loud and proud. When the girls were singing they were a bit louder than the boys just because I wasn’t singing.
My new animation
This is my new animation of a square doing a full rotation.
Hope fully you like it.
My animation
This is my animation about a square doing a full rotation
Ella Sprained Ankle
Ella’s Sprained Ankle.
One day there was a girl who was named Ella ( 12 years old ), she was a raggedy old, dirty misfits girl. Ella liked to get into heaps of trouble, by not listening to her teacher or parents. Ella liked to sneak out of the house to meet up with her friends but there was this one day where she didnt know what was going to happen.
Ella lives on the outskirts of Wanganui east. Where not many people lived, because it’s so far out of town. Where she lived there were only 5 families, and they all were friends. She was friends with a girl named Autumn who was also 12. They lived right next to each other so they could go to each other’s houses everyday.
One numbing morning at 3:07am Ella and Autumn decided to snuck out to go explore the town, so Ella decided to steal some spray paint from her older brother. They tread to Kowhai Park, the quake from the breeze and arrived at 3:37am. They decided to play on the equipment such as the slides and swings. The girls also wanted to render the bowl at the skate park there. At 4:30 they noticed some cars crossing the bridge so they stopped.
The same morning at 5:30 they noticed that the cops were hanging around them so they acted like nothing happened. But the cops were smarter than they had thought, some of the cops dressed up as homeless people to see how the girls were going to act. The cops had caught the girls doing more spray painting so the girls had to run like the wind to escape the cops but there was this one homeless man who the girls tripped over and sprained there ankle and after that they didn’t remember what happened.
Jeremiah’s Day
Jeremiah’s day
Today I woke up at 8:00am, when I woke up I felt energized and ready for a great day. After I woke up I went on my phone to do my morning scroll of TikTok. This morning I got carried away and ended up watching TikTok until half past eight. At 8:35 I was ready for school so my dad said “ Alright get in the car you blimmin egg”.
In the car we were talking about Te matatini. The reason we were talking about Te matatini was because Awa fm was talking about it. We were having an interesting korero until I remembered that it was my auntys birthday so I hopped on Facebook and wished my aunty a happy birthday.
When I got to school I found my friends and we were talking about random things as we normally do. When the bell rang I walked my friends to class to make sure they arrived safely. When I arrived to class I walked in and said hi to my teacher and peers then I walked to my desk and sat down.
At 10:00 some of room 1 went swimming at the splash center for swimming lessons. The kids that didn’t go swimming had to finish their work in the community room with miss maria, if you had finished your work you were allowed to build legos. I had finished all my work so I was allowed to build a minecraft lego kit, then the bell rang so we all went out to lunch.
For lunch we had a ham and chicken carbonara which was very tasty and creamy. The carbonara pasta looked more like long cheese strips but it in fact wasn’t. The last thing about the lunch is that there were so many lunches left over in our class that we finally were allowed to have seconds.
Thank you for reading about my day today. Please let me know if i need to change anything.
Should we play Christmas Carols in all the classes at Rutherford?
I think we should play Christmas Carols because its apart of the Christmas spirit and even if you don’t like Christmas then oh well too bad so sad.
At the last week of school we should do a secret Santa because it would be good for people to get to know other people and what they like. If we do a secret Santa we should do the whole school not just the class because if we do just our class some people already know what a most everyone in there class likes.
I think the school should buy a real Christmas tree and place it in the middle f the school yard by room 10 and the office and then all the classes can decorate the tree and we can walk past it almost everyday.
Each class should do a shared kai but instead of bringing normal food we should bring Christmas themed food.
I think on the last day or the second to last day of school we should have a mufti day (Non-school uniform day) but use Christmas colours such as red white and green. It wont be free you would have to bring either a gold coin donation or you could bring some sort of long lasting Christmas item.
In assembly at the start we should play Christmas Carols or some sort of Christmas songs but pause it when we do the national anthem but it’s not going to be super loud it will just be quite like background noise.
Where’s Bob
Today in ICF we made our own Wheres Waldo but I called mine Wheres bob. We had to add our own characters and we could add our own name.